By renewing your the Green Party membership today, you’ll stay part of a Green community of over 58,000 members working together to create a fairer, greener future. Our growing number of elected greens show that people want our positive vision and practical solutions in their community.
We just had a record-breaking General Election and elected four Green MPs to Parliament. We are about to deliver real hope and real change, be part of it, renew your membership today.
This year also saw us win more Councillors than we ever have before in our 50 year history. Greens now hold 745 seats, a net gain of over 200 this May. There has never been a better time to Renew your Green Party Membership.
Who are we?
We are the Green Party of England and Wales, a political organisation and movement that prioritises building a future that is Green and equal. Greens are now holding those in power to account everywhere, whether it’s from our new Green MPs, our peers in the House of Lords, our London Assembly members or our 100s of Councillors across England and Wales.
Why should I renew my Green Party membership?
There’s no climate justice without social justice. Whether you are passionate about clean air, human rights, ending systemic racism, or stopping climate change, it’s all linked. We are the only party that understands this and has the plan and policies to tackle these issues and create a fair and sustainable society.
How much does membership cost?
- Standard Rate – £40 annually or £3.33 monthly
- Reduced Rate – £13 annually
- Concessionary Rate – £6 annually
Please choose the correct membership rate for your circumstances. There is no difference in the rights you have as a member-based on this, you will still be fully entitled to vote and participate in all Green Party activities.
What does my contribution go towards?
90% of our income comes from our members directly which supports our campaigns, staff, and the little things; such as leaflets, posters, and events. Many of our members top up their standard rate to £10 per month. This extra income is a vital part of getting more Greens elected and supporting our new Green MPs.